the rEstauraNt
Mocotó is a restaurant of "sertaneja" food restaurant located in Vila Medeiros, in the north of São Paulo. It was founded as a house in the north, in 1973, by José de Almeida and is now managed by his son, Rodrigo Oliveira. Here, traditional country cuisine meets the innovative proposal by Rodrigo.
Among its main concepts it is the inclusiveness. An experience for everyone, in a restaurant that welcomes the most different palates, social and cultural levels. A kitchen that, as Rodrigo Oliveira defines, “It is made with the eyes on the world and the feet grounded in ‘Sertão’.”
Recognition for the work has come from different directions. It currently ranks 63rd on the list of the best restaurants in Latin America by the British magazine Restaurant (2023), received the Bib Gourmand seal from the Michelin Guide (2024) and the award for best restaurant in the world in the “no reservation required” category by the World Restaurant Awards (2019).


He's from São Paulo. He always liked to cook for family and friends, but he still wasn't seeing it as a profession. He worked in sales for many years and decided to change careers. The passion for the kitchen spoke louder and he joined the Gastronomy course. Right after, he started an internship at Mocotó. After passing through several sectors he identified himself with the confectionery. He started studying about the area and has a lot of interest in the world of chocolate. Today he is our pastry chef.

From the north of São Paulo, he learned to cook when he served in the Brazilian Air Force. He took a liking to the activity and joined a technical course in cooking. In 2012, he started an internship at Mocotó and in a few months he became a cook. In the meantime, he studied Gastronomy at FMU. He became sous-chef and head chef of the house. Always interested in having new experiences, he started working in the events sector of the house. For him, the greatest satisfaction is seeing happy and surprised customers. Today he is our event chef.

He graduated in Gastronomy at Anhembi Morumbi. When he was little, he loved to stay in the kitchen with his mother and grandmother, and there he became interested in the world of pans. During graduation, he started researching Brazilian cuisine and fell in love with the work of chef Rodrigo Oliveira. The first internship was at Esquina Mocotó and soon after, he went to Balaio IMS. He became in charge of the production kitchen of the house on Av. Paulista. Today, he is in Vila Medeiros and as our creation cook is responsible for the control and quality of Mocotó.

Cearense, from Amontada, in the interior of the state and came with his mother to São Paulo when he was 3 years old. He joined the Air Force where he started taking care of kitchen logistics. From there he moved to Mocotó and is now responsible for our purchasing department.

He was born in Lagoa do Itaenga, in the state of Pernambuco. He came to São Paulo at the age of 20 and he went straight to a food distributor. He has started at Mocotó as an extra worker during the weekends washing the glasses. Today he is our sub-chef and runs the kitchen together with the chef Rodrigo Oliveira.

Native of Vila Medeiros. He had done Tourism college and he is a post-graduated Master in Gastronomy Management. He had worked with events and administration. He has started at the Mocotó in 2004 in the hall, when everything was still small. Today he is our manager and partner.

He was born in Palmeiras dos Índios, Alagoas. He came to São Paulo with 17 years old and had worked as a mason's helper and also in a musical instruments factory. He has started at Mocotó cleaning in 2006 and today he commands the production kitchen.

She is from São Paulo, graduated in Gastronomy, Accounting Sciences and postgraduated in Financial Controlling. For a while, she had worked in the kitchen but chose to follow as a career the management of numbers and people. In 2012 she started at Mocotó, where she is until today as a financial manager.

sEu Zé
He was born in 1938 in Mulungu, in the State of Pernambuco. He arrived in São Paulo at the age of 25. He had worked in several places until 1973. In this year, in partnership with two brothers, he opened the store Irmãos Almeida. This business is the forerunner of Mocotó and Seu Zé was the beginning of everything.

She was born in Santo André. She studied history and did a Master Degree to study the Brazil food habits. She fell in love with the subject and started working with gastronomy. Today she is doing a PhD and taking care of our communication.

RodriGo oLiveiRa
Rodrigo Oliveira is 44 years old, the son of Pernambuco natives and a chef. For 20 years, he has been running the restaurant that tells his family's story, Mocotó. He has won numerous national and international awards.
He opened Mocotó Café in Mercado de Pinheiros and Mocotó no D, a restaurant inside Shopping D. He launched the book “Mocotó - the father, the son and the restaurant” and Balaio IMS, inside the Instituto Moreira Salles, on Avenida Paulista. In 2023, he opened a new Mocotó branch in Vila Leopoldina. He currently presents a regular feature every Wednesday on Melhor da Noite, a program on Band.
Business: crisspina@k2agencia.com
Press: mariana.branda@mocoto.com.br

Make your party with our people, in our space or wherever you prefer!
Receptions, cocktails, birthdays, weddings, corporate events. We take a piece of our ground into any context. Chef Rodrigo Oliveira's kitchen, our bar and Mocotó's way of welcoming you wherever you are.
ASK FOR AN ESTIMATE: bernardoni@mocoto.com.br

ouR housEs 
mOCoTóviLa lEopOldiNa
Mocotó Vila Leopoldina follows the same informal and inclusive proposal as the headquarters. We serve classic Mocotó dishes such as tapioca dadinhos, baião de dois, pork rinds and much more. And for the new house on the west side, special dishes that you can only find there. There’s braised beef tongue, wine and canned food sauce, fried pirarucu, the beautiful dishes that are our PF (Prato Feito – ready plate) like the delicious PF from Galinheiro – parmigiana, rice with ‘cheiro verde’ and fried cassava – and desserts such as Romeu e Juliette pie and the mango and matché popsicle. In addition, a menu with caipirinhas and products from Empório Mocotó.
Tuesday to Saturday: 12pm to 10pm
Sundays and Holidays: 12pm to 4pm
Rua Aroaba, 333, Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo
We only work on a first-come, first-served basis.
Phone: (11)3294-4814
MENUMocoTó caFé PinheiROs markEt
The Mocotó Café of Mercado de Pinheiros follows the same informal and inclusive proposal as the mother house. The menu has the main Mocotó classics such as baião de dois, tapioca dadinhos, brown sugar ice cream with catuaba syrup and other options.
Monday to Saturday: 11am to 5pm
R. Pedro Cristi, 89 – Pinheiros, São Paulo
Phone: (11) 3530-1365
MENUbaLaio iMs
The Balaio IMS is in Instituto Moreira Salles. As the name says, the restaurant is a basket that mixes the different culinary cultures of the country. It is on the ground floor and serves lunch and dinner without stopping, perfect for those who want to have the “happy hour”. We also have the Balaio café on the fifth floor with natural breads, sandwiches, cakes, specialty coffees and more.
Vila Medeiros:MONDAY TO FRIDAY: 12pm to 11pm
SATURDAY: 11:30am to 11pm
SUNDAY: 11:30am to 5pm
Vila Leopoldina:
SUNDAY: 12pm to 4pm
VILA MEDEIROS:Av. Nossa Sra do Loreto, 1100 - Vila Medeiros
São Paulo - SP - Brasil - CEP 02219 001
R. Aroaba, 333 - Vila Leopoldina
São Paulo - SP - Brasil - CEP 05315 021
mariana.branda@mocoto.com.brDo you want to work with us?
Fill out the form and we will keep your data to contact you as soon as possible.